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About the Lab

KeppyLab is my passion project. For many years I have dreamed of running an AI lab that focuses on three core values:

  1. Open source everything you can
  2. Cross-domain pollination
  3. Evidence over assumptions

We are in the early stages of forming the tool chain and what our core focuses will be, but there are many areas ripe for investigation.

If you are in the Seattle area check out our monthly event, the KeppyLab AI Collective.

Current Work

I write about fine tuning and pushing the boundaries of generative AI. Drop me a line!

I'm currently working on; an interactive RAG system about the apocalypse. Through this project we will learn just how far we can push RAG in a fun (read: slightly concerning) direction

Mailing List

Every week I highlight papers and advancements in LLMs and other areas of AI/ML. This is essentially a curated form of my weekly study notes I share back to the community. Sign up below:

Hope to see you around, fly dangerous

@keppylab_ai | Github | LinkedIn | Hugging Face